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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Twitter & The Meaning Of Life

Sometimes we get caught-up in things which really aren’t that important when you look at the big picture of life.
I am basically a positive person but sometimes I am tempted to go off on a negative rant.
That almost happened this morning when I was watching the news. I saw a story about Lady Gaga moving into the position of Most Followers on Twitter.
I started to become indignant and then I remembered, in the whole scheme of things, how unimportant Twitter and Lady Gaga and the “Most Followed” really are.
You know what’s important?
That’s really important. Not just life, but living life. Determining that no matter what hand you’ve been dealt, you’re going to come out on top…with a smile.
She’s a great person who has stuck with me through thick and thin…And believe me when I tell you there has been a lot more thin than thick. She causes most of my smiles and a lot of my gray hair.