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Sunday, October 11, 2009

You Can Get Away, Anytime

Did you know you can get away without leaving town? OK, how about getting away without leaving your house? Or even getting away while you’re still at the office? You can do it! You should do it!
Here’s what I mean. We all have hectic schedules. We all have deadlines. We all face stress that was unheard of in past generations. No, we all aren’t facing death on the fields of Gettysburg, but we face an unmerited, fast paced stress our parents and grandparents would have believed unimaginable. Never before have we been “available” basically 24/7 like we are today.
We need to get away! Not like the “Calgon Bath”…although that’s cool if you’re a “bath” person…
or if you take a “bath” with the right person…just kidding.
We need to “mentally” get away. We need to unplug for a while, mentally. We need to take a mental break from all the stress and all the hectic schedules and all the deadlines.
So how do you do it?
I’m glad you asked!
If you buy this book you’ll find “21 Ways To Get Away”.
Just kidding again, sorry.
Here is one way to get away. I use this one and it really works. I like it because it is so easy and you can do it almost anytime.

Do you have some place in the world with fond memories for you? Memories that stir good emotions. Memories that are vibrant and warm. Well what you do is go there. I’ll tell you part of one of mine to explain.
I love Key West, Florida. I love almost everything about Key West. But there is one thing I always do when I’m in Key West. I have this special place I go to watch the sun setting into the ocean.
I get there about a half-hour before sunset and just enjoy everything happening. I allow all my senses to go into overload.
I watch the beautiful colors of the sky change, as if by magic, as the sun slowly slides beneath the turquoise sea.
I feel the wind blowing in my hair and across my face, and the sun’s warmth ebbing as it vanishes beneath the waves.
I hear the waves crashing and the birds calling and the lovers laughing and the tourists talking and the boats rocking back and forth in the waves.
I smell the fragrance of flowers and ocean and seafood and life and the pina-colada smell of the sunscreen my beautiful woman always wears.
I taste the salty sea air and the shrimp boiling next door and the fried fish down the street and the Key Lime Pie.
I marvel at the beauty and wonder of it all.
It always amazes me. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been there. But it’s always the same…amazing.
I can tell you it’s one of my places of escape. It’s one of my places I get away to. When I am getting stressed, when I am running behind and starting to overload, I stop.
That’s right! Stop.
Get quiet.
Close my eyes and get away.
I go to Key West. Right then, wherever I am, I go to sunset in Key West. I allow all the good memories and emotions and feelings to stir within me. I relax in the cool tropical breeze. I take in the beauty. I hear the sounds. I smell the smells. I taste the tastes. I relax. I get away.
Your place may not be Key West, and probably isn’t. But I’m sure you have some special place and time inside of you that evokes good, positive memories. Go there. Get away. Relax.
It doesn’t cost a thing, and you can do it anytime you want. Well, almost anytime.
Let me know if you have a special place. I’d love to hear about it.
Oh, by the way, you can borrow Key West if you need to, but make your own memories...
and remember...You Can Get Away, Anytime!
Keep Believing…

1 comment:

  1. I. LOVE. Key West.

    That is all.

    Oh-- except maybe we should have a mastermind meeting THERE someday :-)
