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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Live Life

The only way to live life is to start living. Here’s what I mean.
If you Google the exact phrase “live life”, there are over 8,650,000 results available. This is a subject on a lot of people’s minds. How do I live life?
Here is the answer. Are you ready?
Start living!
That’s it, start living. Today! Right now!
So many of us have a few favorite sayings, like:
“As soon as I _________ I’m going to get started.”
“One of these days, I’m going to travel.”
“Some day I’m going to __________.”
“When I get the bills paid off I’ll be able to do what I want.”
“When the kids grow up we can _________.”
“When my ship comes in I’ll be able to __________.”
“When I win the lottery I’m going to give __________ to charity.”
“As soon as I get the promotion I can __________.”
Let me go ahead and tell you:
You ARE NOT going to win the lottery!
Your ship IS HERE and has been here a long time; you’ve been looking in the wrong direction.
One of these days NEVER comes.
We will ALWAYS have bills.
The kids are your kids FOREVER.
You may get the promotion BUT then you’ll want to wait until the next one.
Some day IS today!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

You Can Get Away, Anytime

Did you know you can get away without leaving town? OK, how about getting away without leaving your house? Or even getting away while you’re still at the office? You can do it! You should do it!
Here’s what I mean. We all have hectic schedules. We all have deadlines. We all face stress that was unheard of in past generations. No, we all aren’t facing death on the fields of Gettysburg, but we face an unmerited, fast paced stress our parents and grandparents would have believed unimaginable. Never before have we been “available” basically 24/7 like we are today.
We need to get away! Not like the “Calgon Bath”…although that’s cool if you’re a “bath” person…
or if you take a “bath” with the right person…just kidding.
We need to “mentally” get away. We need to unplug for a while, mentally. We need to take a mental break from all the stress and all the hectic schedules and all the deadlines.
So how do you do it?
I’m glad you asked!
If you buy this book you’ll find “21 Ways To Get Away”.
Just kidding again, sorry.
Here is one way to get away. I use this one and it really works. I like it because it is so easy and you can do it almost anytime.